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Ask a Retirement Coach: What Did You Learn in Your Own Retirement Transition?

This week in our Ask a Retirement Coach series, Retirement Coach Toni switched seats and shares insights of what she discovered was important in her own first year of retirement.

Defining Your Retirement Lifestyle: Things to Consider When Retiring in Another Country

Many people dream of retiring in another country they have visited on vacation. But just because you loved it while on vacation, may not mean you will love it in retirement.

Can We Predict Our "Sliding Door" Moments?

A "sliding door moment" refers to a pivotal moment in your life when a small decision or action may lead to a significant, often unpredictable result. Are these sliding door situations strictly random or are there ways to know?

Ask a Retirement Coach: I Know I Should Exercise But Am Finding It Hard to Do

Often one of the first things people plan to do in retirement is exercise. But sometimes it doesn't work out that way. Retirement Coach Toni shares her advice on how to get going.

Is Social Rewilding in Your Future?

Do you know what social rewilding is? It's a trending movement of people wishing to rebalance their relationship with technology and reconnect with both nature and each other. Is this for you?

6 Top Tips to Successfully (Un)Retire

Carl Landau has successfully (un)retired and shares his top 6 tips to help others do the same.

Ask a Retirement Coach: How Do I Create a Happy and Meaningful Retirement?

Everyone would like to make sure that they have a happy and meaningful retirement, but how do you actually do this? Retirement Coach Toni shares her advice.

Clearing Your Life's Clutter

Does your life feel cluttered? Not just with stuff, but also with your personal affairs? Then this should interest you. Retirement and Clutter Clearing Coach Lori Becker joins us to discuss her new book - Get a Grip - and how it can help you organize and declutter your life.

Ask a Retirement Coach: If I Don't Have My Career - Who Am I?

Leaving a successful career and entering retirement can be a difficult transition and potentially challenge your sense of identity. Retirement Coach Toni shares some advice on how to handle this.

Retirement – What To Do When The Decision Isn’t Yours

As much as you may want to decide when you will retire – unfortunately, the majority of the time this isn’t actually the case.

The Value of Booking a Trip With a Travel Advisor

In an age where digital bookings and self-service travel platforms abound, many seasoned travellers might wonder: "Why should I use a travel advisor when I can plan everything online?"  

A Man on the Inside - Well Worth the Watch

When I first started watching A Man on the Inside, I was initially disappointed thinking it was falling into some ageist cliches. But by the fourth episode, I was hooked and found myself admiring the strong, realistic and positive story lines around aging. This series is well worth the watch.

Did You Know Talking to Strangers Can Boost Our Happiness?

When was the last time you spoke to a stranger? You may want to give this a try as research suggests it might actually help boost our happiness.

Aging in the Right Place: The Need for a Room With a View

Often, when we think of what is needed to age in place successfully, we focus on making the interiors of our homes safer and more comfortable. But what is outside our windows is also important.

Sensitive Matters: Understanding and Accepting Our Sensitivity

The term "highly sensitive person" is used to describe individuals who deeply absorb and process their surroundings, often leading to heightened emotional responses and an acute sensitivity. This is often perceived as being a bad thing, is it actually a strength?

When Was the Last Time You Made a Friend?

Having friends and the support they offer is vital to our overall health and wellbeing. But making friends later in life may take some extra effort.

Booming Encore's Top 10 Posts of 2024

This past year has been extremely exciting at Booming Encore and as we look forward to the upcoming year, we wanted to also reflect back on where we have been. These are the top 10 posts from 2024.

Ask a Retirement Coach: Looking For Work in Retirement

Retirement can be a wonderful time of life. But sometimes people find themselves wanting to return to work.

Retirement Riches: The Power of Staying Connected

The transition to retirement is a significant life change. But knowing how to stay engaged and connected can make this truly an amazing time of life.

Ask a Retirement Coach: How Do I Know if I am Emotionally Ready to Retire?

Often people have spent a great deal of time preparing for the financial aspects of retirement and have a pretty good idea of when they are financially able to retire. But what about the emotional aspects of retirement?

Pregnancy and Infant Loss - And a Grandmother's Grief

The loss of a pregnancy or infant is an extremely painful life experience and we don't often recognize the long term grief it can cause.

Ask a Retirement Coach: My Wife Doesn't Want to Retire

Plans can be made and plans can change and it's no different when it comes to retirement. So what do you do if one partner decides they want to make a different choice as to when they plan to retire?

Ask A Retirement Coach: How Do I Protect My Own Time?

When you retire, there's often a perception from others that you have lots of available time. How can you protect your time without offending them?

Moving Forward: Finding Strength in Loss and Rediscovery Through Travel

After suffering immeasurable grief, Danny Slupeiks discovered that travel became his way of reconnecting with the world and with himself.

Analyzing Those Famous Last Words: Let’s Be Sure to Stay in Touch

All too often when we leave someplace we say to the people around us, "Let's be sure to stay in touch". But do we really mean it? Or is this just something that we say to make us all just feel better?