
Looking for more?

Discover our full collection of Health articles below.

Finding the Antidote for Loneliness

For years, psychologists, scholars and medical doctors have sounded the alarm bells around loneliness, arguing that it should be recognized as an epidemic and a national health crisis.  And indeed it is a crisis.

Join Us for the Brain Booster Challenge!

Are you ready to transform your brain health and embrace the potential for a vibrant, thriving mind? If yes, join us on an 8-week journey into the world of brain science and successful aging!

Is Telehealth in the Future of Older People?

During the pandemic, older people could consult with their doctors and clinics in the comfort of their homes. Was this just a blip or is it a service that will be continued?

Retirement Riches: The Power of Staying Connected

The transition to retirement is a significant life change. But knowing how to stay engaged and connected can make this truly an amazing time of life.

The Importance of Maintaining Muscle Mass to Our Health and Longevity

Maintaining our muscle mass as we age is closely related to our ability to maintain our mobility and potential to live independently. In this Learning Bites session, Susan Williams speaks with Shannon Bond on the importance of maintaining muscle mass as we age and how best we can do this.

How Some Small Dietary Changes Can Positively Affect Both Our Longevity and Carbon Footprint

If there was a small change you could make that could improve your longevity and lower your carbon footprint would you do it? Turns out there may just be.

Discovering My Passion and Exercise Groove with Essentrics®

Little did Lindsay Anderson realize that stopping into a random session at a Women's Fitness Event would lead her discover her new passion later in life.

The Importance of Sleep to Our Health and Longevity

Everyone knows that we need sleep. But not only is sleep important to our health, it can also affect our longevity.

Twenty Five Ideas to Help You Positively Age

Everyone hopes to live a long, healthy and happy life. If you're looking for some ideas of different ways to help you do this, here is a list of twenty five things to consider adding to your lifestyle.

How Your Exercise Should Evolve As You Age

More research has come out about how moving our bodies directly impacts brain health and the negative physical effects of aging. However, we rarely talk about how we should evolve our exercise as we age.

Four Ways to Extend Our Longevity and Healthspan

Baby boomers want to enjoy the latter stages of their lives in a greater state of good health than their older relatives. The good news is guidance to do this is increasingly available.

Holistic Health - Health is Wealth

Healthcare is no longer just a single doctor attending to a single patient, it has evolved and now includes multiple healthcare practices.

My Next Mountain to Climb: Pushing My Limits for Longevity

After facing my own physical and mental fitness and potential longevity, I realized I'm not in the best shape and if I really want to extend my life, I need to take some drastic action. 

What the Blue Zones Can Teach Us About Retirement

The Blue Zones are unique places across the globe that have higher than normal longevity rates. They also provide us some unique insights into what contributes to a good retirement.

Interested In An Extra 10 Good Years Of Life?

Everyone hopes to live a long and healthy life but the reality is that for many, the years leading up to their death are often spent dealing with health challenges and issues. But this doesn't have to be the case.

COVID-19 Assaulted the Health and Well-Being of Older People, But Their Resilience Helped Them to Cope

With the onset of the pandemic, older persons found themselves in the crosshairs of one of the most virulent natural disasters of this past century.

Designing For Aging In Place

Aging In Place expert Scott Fulton discusses how best to prepare to age in place.

Why I Hired A Coach

In my younger days I would have never spent money on a coach. But it turns out this is a wise investment of both time and money.

Telehealth Emerged Through the Pandemic - Is It Here To Stay?

The pandemic forced everything into a lockdown mode and the ways that we used to do things had to be reconsidered. Including how we see a Doctor.

Surrounded By People Not A Cure For Loneliness

Loneliness can be a significant challenge for many people when aging however just being with people is not the answer. It's a little more complicated than that.

Want a Great Workout? Head to the Stairs

What if there was an exercise you could do that didn’t require any special equipment and had the added benefit of being free?

The Triple Threats To Healthy And Happy Aging

Have you ever found yourself sitting alone on the couch with absolutely nothing to do? When it comes to aging, these three activities are proving to be quite detrimental to your health if they become a permanent situation. 

Walking Is Good But A Fast Walk Is Better

If you are already making a regular routine of taking a walk that is great. But if you are going for a fast walk – turns out this is even better!

Aging In The Suburbs – Realistic Or Risky?

Today the suburbs are filled with baby boomers. But are the suburbs really the best place to age?
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Things To Consider When Buying An Electric Bike (e-bike)

Electric bikes (often called e-bikes) are extremely popular. But buying an electric bike can be a confusing experience if you're not sure what you're looking for.

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