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Discover our full collection of Finance articles below.

Creating a Financial Legacy for Only $100 a Year - 2024 Update

When Richard's granddaughter turned eight, he gave her $100 to invest and has been doing that every year. Elsie is now twelve and here's what she has learned so far.

The Need To Prepare To Become a Widow Before You Are One

Women tend to live longer than men and unfortunately, the number of women who are left alone and ill prepared to financially manage their investments without their spouse is significant. We need to change this.

Share Your Critical Information Before Your Family Actually Needs It

It's probably not at the top of your to-do list but should be. It's important to share your critical information with your family before they actually need it.

10 Simple Ways To Save Extra Money For Retirement

Unfortunately, many people don’t believe that they have or will have saved enough for retirement. Here are ten simple ideas to help put more money in your pocket.

The Rise Of Poverty In Retirement For The Middle Class

Baby boomers are speeding towards retirement. But rather then crossing over this threshold to an anticipated life of doing whatever you like, many may be facing a much nastier reality. Finishing their lives either in or near poverty.

How Much Money Do You Really Need For Retirement?

Some believe you need about 70 to 80% of your salary to live in retirement. But where did this number come from and more importantly is it really accurate?

Power Of Attorney: Choose Someone Who Loves You More Then Your Money

Sadly, financial elder abuse is a significant issue which is why choosing the right Power of Attorney for you is extremely important.

Retirement Realities For Women

As much as the inequality of pay and career advancement opportunities for women has been a major contributing factor, there are also other situations and influences that have also resulted in women having challenges in retirement.

Suspect Financial Fraud? Act Now and Act Fast

Financial scams targeting seniors is far too prevalent in our society today.

Financial Elder Abuse – What You Need To Know

Elder abuse is one of those really uncomfortable topics to talk about. But it's important that we do.

Shifting Generational Perspectives: Moving From Paycheck to Cashflow

Younger generations do not want to solely rely on a single paycheck as their source of income. They plan to develop multiple streams of cashflow.

14 Frugal Living Tips You Can Implement Today

Adopting a frugal living lifestyle helps you use your money on things you value most: living debt-free, having more money for retirement and investing in yourself.

Signs You Need a Financial Advisor (and How to Find One)

Knowing when you may need the help of a Financial Advisor can be difficult.

Creating a Financial Legacy - For Only $100 Per Year

Chances are you have considered your financial legacy after you are gone. But what about leaving a financial legacy that extends beyond just money and shares life lessons as well?

Advanced Financial Planning: The Thinking Ahead Roadmap

Planning in advance in case you need support for your financial future is critical. The Thinking Ahead Roadmap can help you prepare.

Understanding the Basics of a CHIP Reverse Mortgage

Retirement can now last from 20 to 40 years which can make funding retirement a challenge. This is where a CHIP Reverse Mortgage may be a solution.

Retiring With Debt? How To Manage

Servicing debt on a fixed retirement income can put a strain on you future plans not to mention the physical and emotional toll of financial stress.

Five Financial Planning Steps To Take As You Approach Retirement

As you prepare for you retirement, there are probably many things on your mind and lots of things to do. To help, here is a list of five things that you should probably make sure that you add to your list.

Retirement Planning – Why It’s Different For Women

Many baby boomers are looking forward to retirement and when they can trade in their working lives for something else. But the process of planning for retirement isn’t necessarily the same for everyone.

Could You Use A Financial Planner?

My wife is an investment advisor at a major Canadian bank and was forced to work from home during the pandemic. As a result, I got a chance to see her in action dealing with her clients.

5 Things To Do Before You Retire

Retirement - it's the time of life when you say goodbye to the daily grind and say hello to what you want to do. But before you take the leap here are five things to consider.

Why Your Financial Wellness Matters

Chances are you have thought about how much money you have (or possibly don’t have) but have you considered your financial wellness?

Could This Be Contributing To Why We Haven't Saved Enough For Retirement?

We seem to be continually bombarded with articles about how financially ill prepared baby boomers are for retirement. Could this be why?

A Reverse Mortgage - Is This the Right Financial Solution For You?

Canadians are facing many challenges when it comes to financing their retirement. A reverse mortgage may be a financial solution to consider.

Creating a Financial Legacy for Only $100 a Year - Annual Update

What if you could leave a long lasting financial legacy for only $100 a year? Richard Weijo has figured out a great way to do this with his granddaughter.

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