So many people are aspiring to achieve FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early). But should we possibly call it something different? Possibly a similar objective but with a more purposeful result.
How does someone like Keith Richards survive decades of hard drug use, drink and smoke heavily, not exercise, eat the wrong foods and still be alive and thriving? Maybe that's where work and purpose come in.
Discover our full collection of Purpose articles below.
Rather than thinking about what you are retiring from there are some compelling reasons to think more about what you are retiring to.
Have you ever experienced "flow state" in your life? It's a powerful state of mind and something that you may want to consider on how you could achieve this into your retirement life.
There are many people who are not really living the life that they either wanted or envisioned. But the bigger question is at the end of our lives will we then have any regrets?
So often we view our life after work as being an ending stage. But here’s another perspective.
Retirement Rebels refuse to follow the old fashion beliefs about “old-people,” and being retired. In fact they are anything but retired.
So many people are aspiring to achieve FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early). But should we possibly call it something different? Possibly a similar objective but with a more purposeful result.
How does someone like Keith Richards survive decades of hard drug use, drink and smoke heavily, not exercise, eat the wrong foods and still be alive and thriving? Maybe that's where work and purpose come in.
Little did Lindsay Anderson realize that stopping into a random session at a Women's Fitness Event would lead her discover her new passion later in life.
We are experiencing not only increased stress levels but a drop in our longevity. Is it time to rethink our life, work and retirement models?
For a long time there has been a theory that when we die our life will flash before our eyes. What if this was true? Would you be something you would want to watch?
Carl Landau has now been retired for four years and has learned a few things in the process.
Our 50s and 60s can surface some of the biggest decisions one can make. It can represent a turning point with “go to jail, do not pass Go” implications. Or offer a gateway to the most productive, meaningful, purposeful time of life.
Toni believed that the transition to retirement was going to be easy. But as she embarked on this new chapter she soon realized that building a happy and thriving retirement goes beyond financial planning.
The gig economy is big and growing. It’s projected to have double digit growth over the next five years. It also presents a great opportunity for older workers.
The University of Oxford published a research article that shared 24% of people between the ages of 45 and 74 are fearful of losing their jobs in the next twelve months. Having people feel insecure at any time is not a good thing. But rather then expecting companies to take care of us, maybe we need to embrace a new (and yet also old) type of job security.
Does the idea of coding frighten you? Well here is an amazing story of how one retirement rebel faced and conquered this challenge head on.
The truth is mature individuals often make the best business owners. All they need is to know the secrets to success.
Many of us came of age inspired by “Follow your bliss and the money will follow.” But is this really accurate and good advice?
Our pre-occupation with retirement has turned “work” into another unattractive four-letter word for many. But research is now showing us that if we abandon work we do it at our own peril.
You may find your professional experience undervalued or disregarded by recruiters and hiring managers. Learn how to overcome this conundrum and effectively share the value you’ve worked so hard to achieve.
If you are considering a freelancing future, what do you need to do?
You are thinking about retirement and would like to transition into it. Your employer realizes that you’re getting close to retirement and would like to retain your skills. Both of you would like to have a conversation about this but neither one of you want to raise the discussion. This is the retirement discussion dilemma.
As an older worker, you know all too well that ageism presents some major barriers to your success. Yet, by recognizing the negative preconceptions you are likely to face you can shift their focus to highlight your strengths.
To coin a phrase “if I knew then what I know now“, here is some career advice that I would share.
Are you an older job-seeker who is currently looking for work? Take the time to review your needs and wants, consider your options and follow your inner guidance to a fulfilling new job.