Ask a Retirement Coach: My Husband Wants to do Everything Together But I Don't

Often when a spouse retires they may expect their partner to be available to spend all their time with them, even if their interests may be different.

Ask a Retirement Coach: I'm Bored and Unmotivated in Retirement

Boredom in retirement is not an uncommon thing. But how can someone change this? Retirement Coach Gary Foster shares his advice.

Ask A Retirement Coach: My Spouse Doesn't Want to Retire at the Same Time

What do you do when you are suddenly surprised that your partner doesn't want to retire the same time that you do?

Ask a Retirement Coach: Do I Really Need a Non-Financial Plan for Retirement

Do you really need a non-financial plan for retirement? Our resident Retirement Coach, Gary Foster, shares his thoughts.

Ask a Retirement Coach: How To Approach Working Part Time in Retirement

Many people would like to ease into retirement by working part time. But how do you approach this topic with your employer?

Ask a Retirement Coach: How Best To "Test Drive" Your Retirement

Taking your retirement for a test drive can be a wise decision. Retirement Coach Gary Foster shares some suggestions on how to make sure you get the most from the experience.

Ask a Retirement Coach: When Should I Retire?

When should I retire is a question that is often asked by many people. Retirement Coach Gary Foster shares his perspective and some things to be considered.

How Can I Stay Relevant in Retirement? Some Practical Tips to Consider

Who doesn’t want to be relevant, germane, material, applicable, apropos? It’s an important question if one is choosing to play the retirement game.

Is Your Age a Jail Sentence or a Gateway?

Our 50s and 60s can surface some of the biggest decisions one can make. It can represent a turning point with “go to jail, do not pass Go” implications. Or offer a gateway to the most productive, meaningful, purposeful time of life.

How Not To Waste A Retirement

Our pre-occupation with retirement has turned “work” into another unattractive four-letter word for many. But research is now showing us that if we abandon work we do it at our own peril.

Seven Reasons We Should Be Amazed About Getting Older

“Getting old is for the birds!” But what if we flipped the conversation and started brainstorming what is amazing about getting older?